New asian gay porn star

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Lucas Entertainment brought us this fresh face, with some incredibly smooth, alabaster skin and a museum perfect ass. One of Helix’s sexiest twinks ranked fourth in this poll, but I had to include him here anyway just for that stare. You all seem to prefer him as a bottom, but I, for one, am on the fence. One of GayHoopla’s newest vers dudes, who I’m going to guess is legitimately bi, is young, lean, and sexy in a gymnast sort of way. And he never met a dick he didn’t want in his mouth.Ĭhannel One and Chi Chi LaRue had one great find this year, and it’s this hunky, strapping, allegedly bisexual former Marine. I still think he’s sexy, and he clearly wants to stay in the biz. He began the year as Dalton Pierce, doing a few scenes for Dallas Reeves, and for some contractual reason or other he became Brenner Bolton, did some stuff for Next Door Studios, and then arrived at by the close of the year. Marc Ruffalo, with a few impressive cum shots, has definitely made an impression. But it’s been a while since they’ve debuted any legitimate star power. This gorgeous, versatile little Spaniard joined’s stable this year, and I became an immediate fan.īel Ami is a machine that spits out hotness on the regular. We’ll see, come this time next year, how many of these dudes are still taking it up the ass for our viewing pleasure.

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